Registration Closes Sept 30, 2024

Launching Oct 3, 2024 at 1:30 PM EST

Stop Being the Best Kept Secret with Live Streaming

Training Sessions

Weekly Video Training Starting Sep 12, 2024

Live streaming is no longer a "nice-to-have," it’s a "must-have" for your business development strategies.

It's time to equip yourself with the ultimate resource to increase sales and boost visibility:

Live Streaming!

By taking this course, you’ll be able to launch a live stream show and: 

  • Grow sales by building authentic relationships

  • Transform your company into an industry thought leader

  • Attract high-profile clients you've only dreamed of meeting

  • Create a ridiculous amount of engaging content

Do any of these sound familiar?

  • You struggle to build meaningful relationships with prospective clients and vendors.

  • Your traditional business development efforts are not yielding desired results.

  • You find it hard to consistently produce engaging content.

  • You’re intimidated by the technical aspects of setting up and running live streams.

Imagine how it would feel to…

  • Become an industry thought leader by creating real-time connections with your clients and referral partners while making them feel valued.

  • Attract and retain clients more effectively than conventional methods like cold calling.

  • Generate a steady stream of educational material to “Out-teach the Competition” that keeps your audience engaged.

  • Get step-by-step guidance from seasoned professionals, making the process simple and accessible.

All of this is possible even if you’ve never been in front of a camera and you consider yourself an introvert! We can't wait to show you how...


Stop Being the Best Kept Secret with Live Streaming

Ditch your traditional marketing efforts and unlock the power of live streaming to transform your business development strategies!

Curriculum Overview

Here's the schedule:

Welcome to the Course

  • Kick off your live stream journey and learn how your live show can become a powerful business development tool.

Orientation: Let's get Started!

  • The benefits of live streaming and how it will help you build relationships, change your business development, and supercharge marketing efforts.

    • Lessons include:

      • Why Live Streaming is Such a Powerful Business Development Tool

      • Discover the Massive Benefits & Growing Your Business with Live Streaming

      • Create a Content Machine for Your Business

Step 1: Building Connections

  • The benefits of live streaming and how it will help you build relationships, change your business development, and supercharge marketing efforts.

    • Lessons include:

      • The Importance of Niching Down to Help Your Ideal Customer

      • Intro to “SO vs So What”: Exploiting Your Strengths and Opportunities

      • Maximize SEO and Discover Your RIKs (Ridiculously Important Keywords)

      • Capture the Enormous SEO Benefits with Live Stream

Step 2: Understanding Your Customer for Sales Growth

  • Dive deep into understanding your customer so you can address their specific needs and build a vibrant referral network.

    • Lessons include:

      • Intro to “Rounding the Bases”

      • How to Create Your Soulmate

      • How to Build a Vibrant Referral Network

      • How to Make a Great 1st Webpression

Step 3: Crafting Your Show’s Identity

  • Define your live stream brand by deciding on crucial elements like the name, host, frequency, and themes.

    • Lessons include:

      • The What's #1 - Answer the Top 10 1/2 "What's" to Deliver an Awesome Live Show

      • The What's #2 - What to Talk About

      • The What's #3 - Answer Soulmate Questions (Pain points, Needs, Desires, etc.)

      • The What's #4 - Hub & Spoke Method to Creating Content

      • The Who #1 - Find & Secure the Right Guest

Step 4: Prepping for an Engaging Live Show

  • Equip yourself with the right tools, automate processes for efficiency, and learn how to find and secure captivating guests to make your live show engaging and memorable.

    • Lessons include:

      • The How #1 - How to Prep 

      • The How #2 - How to Stream Your Live Show 

      • The How #3 - How to Communicate with Guest 

      • The How #4 - How to Automate Processes

      • The How #5 - How to Set Up Your Live Event 

Step 5: Promoting and Growing Your Live Show

  • Discover strategies to promote your show, prepare effectively on the day of the live event, and maximize your reach with post-show promotion techniques.

    • Lessons include:

      • The How #6 - How to Promote Your Show

      • The How #7 - It's Showtime! How to Max out Experience during Show

      • The How #8 - How to Maximize Time & Efficiency w/ Technology

      • The How #9 - How to Maximize Post-Show Promotions

      • It's Time to Go Live & Thrive

The result

You’ll not only master live streaming to create engaging, content-rich shows, but you’ll also build stronger client relationships and significantly boost your business visibility and growth.


“I would like to point out how Curt and Damon helped me through the cohort these last few weeks. Tremendously.”

“It's always quality time to attend these meetings. Curt and Damon guided me to focus on defining the type of customers I need to target. I was all over the place for years trying to appeal to everyone. Alas, with his guidance, I now know that one can't appeal to everyone. But attracting more customers means identifying and defining who the customers I want.”

“Thank you and Damon again for the opportunity to join you. I had a blast!!

“It was a fun-filled blessing to have had the opportunity to be on your show. I’m beyond grateful to both you and Damon for your love, kindness, support and collaboration. You are the epitome of awesomeness!”

“Curt and Damon provided and educated me on a vast array of tools that are free that I can use to help my website rank or be seen. I have struggled with this for years and it is good to know how to emphasize these tools.”

“As I mentioned in our post interview, your podcast was my first. And I would like to, first of all, thank you on behalf of the entire group, for giving us the opportunity to join you. And an equally first of all (lol!) thank you for being the energetic, engaging hosts you were, to allow us to feel comfortable speaking from the heart about our company. We wish you nothing but continued success with your platform!”

Your Course Experience

Onboarding & Goal Setting

Right when you join, you’ll go through an onboarding process (self-paced) so we can learn more about your starting point, your goals, and any other info that will help us personalize your experience.

This is also a chance for you to reflect on your own goals for the program.

Bi-Weekly Live Group Coaching Calls

We'll meet on second & fourth Thursdays of the month at 1:30pm-2:30pm ET for live group coaching sessions. During this hour, you can ask us any questions you might have about the curriculum.


We'll also have a private student community space where you can start discussions, celebrate wins, and share feedback with other livestreamers and students.

Instructor Feedback

If you can't come to a live call, or if you need support in between calls, we'll have a dedicated feedback space in our online community where you can post any questions or work for review.

So if you want us to personally look at your work and ideas, you'll be able to post there as often as you'd like. We'll personally reply to everyone with comments and/or a short video reply, and we love when students jump in and support each other, too.

Save Your Spot Today

Plus, unlock these limited-time bonuses!

Since this course is new, we wanted to include a few extra bonuses to show our commitment to helping students get real results:

Bonus #1: 1:1 Consulting Call with Curt or Damon

Book a private 30-minute consulting call with Curt or Damon at any point during the course. Use this time to ask questions and receive personalized advice tailored to your business. We’ll record the call over Zoom if you’d like to keep a copy for your personal use.

Bonus #2: Guest Exchange

We’ll have you on our show, and we can come on your show! Amplify your reach and credibility with this unique collaboration.

This is a great fit for you if…

  • You want to grow your sales and your customer base, while connecting with people you never thought you could reach.

  • You want to enhance your marketing strategy with live streaming but don’t know where to start.

  • You're eager to build stronger relationships with your prospective clients and increase engagement.

  • You struggle with creating consistent, high-quality content and want to learn how to streamline the process.

  • You’re looking to boost your online visibility and improve your search engine rankings.

  • You prefer learning in a supportive, small group environment with personalized guidance.


How time intensive is live streaming?

Our live streaming is focused on business development so your time with guests is business development work. In the beginning you will likely spend at least 2 hours for every show you do in the prep calls, preparing for the show, doing the show, and then developing all the content from the show. Over half of this time will be with the guest (business development time) With automation, setting up standard processes, and getting the right tools you can reduce the time other than the business development significantly. A virtual assistant can do all the outside work other than time with the guest if you really want to reduce your time.

How does live streaming enhance business development?

It starts by changing the initial outreach. The live stream show gives you the opportunity to reach out to people and ask them to share their knowledge and expertise on a topic they are passionate about. Then by doing the prep call with our format and the live stream show, you have an hour or more with this person to learn more about them, their aspirations, and their challenges. This much time with your potential soulmate customers is not possible with normal business development outreach.

What if I don’t want to be on camera?

We get this question a lot and when you’re talking about something that you’re passionate about, then it’s much easier to get on camera. We’ve seen that even the most introverted people who come onto our show as guests absolutely love this experience. They share how fun it was and express feelings of immense accomplishment for pushing themselves out of their comfort zone.

How much time commitment will this course require?

We've designed this course to be both comprehensive and flexible, accommodating busy professionals like you. There are 5-6 videos per week, and you can expect to spend around 1-3 hours per week in total.

How long do I have access to the course?

You get lifetime access to the course and any future updates to the content.

When are the group coaching calls?

Second & fourth Thursdays of the month at 1:30-2:30 pm ET. We will record these sessions in case you can’t make it.

Do you have a refund policy?

We're fully committed to your success and confident in the value of our course. While we don't offer full refunds, we want to ensure this is the right fit for you. If you have any questions or concerns before enrolling, please reach out to us.

How can I get in touch if I still have questions?

You can email us anytime at

Pricing & Next Steps

To recap, Stop Being the Best Kept Secret with Livestreaming is a comprehensive video program where you will learn how to broadcast live so you can build a powerful business development machine.

When you join, you’ll unlock…

  • Lifetime access to the curriculum, including future updates

  • Live bi-weekly group coaching

  • Access to our private livestreaming community

Plus these exclusive Founders’ bonuses:

  • Bonus #1: 1:1 Consulting Call with Curt or Damon

  • Bonus #2: Be our guest on our live streaming show, and we’ll be your guest too!

Next Steps

If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to email at

We are super excited to help you figure out if this course is the right fit for you

Curt Anderson is the author of “Stop Being the Best Kept Secret” and founder of, an eCommerce resource guide for entrepreneurs and manufacturers. Curt founded an eCommerce company in 1995 that was ranked 3X on the Internet Retailer Magazine Top 1000 eCommerce Companies. Curt also serves as the co-host of the twice a week Live Stream Show, Manufacturing eCommerce Success. Curt uses live streaming, the strategies, and materials in this course for business development daily.

Damon Pistulka is the Chief Exit Officer at Exit Your Way where Damon is deeply committed to Empowering Business Owners to Build Value and Achieve Successful Exits.  Damon Pistulka has spent over 20 years helping entrepreneurs and business leaders overcome challenges, build high-performing teams, and achieve significant growth. By aligning passion with purpose, Damon guides owners and leaders in creating and executing strategies to build wealth and establish lasting business legacies. As the co-host of the Manufacturing eCommerce Success live stream and the host of The Faces of Business show, Damon and his guests share valuable insights and experiences to help others succeed in their business endeavors. Damon uses live streaming, the strategies, and materials in this course for business development daily.